Monday, February 24, 2014

Has anyone bought the Camelot Bedroom Furniture Set made by Hillsdale Furniture?

Q. I'm considering the 4 piece Queen Sleigh Bed set from Sam's Club, One Way Furniture, and other online furniture dealers. If you bought this set please let me know what you think of it.

I have worked for a company that sold Hillsdale Furniture for four years...the Camelot is a nice group. If you have any problems, they are really good about standing behind their products.

Online sits for Cheap bedroom set?


4pc Queen Size Platform Bedroom Set in Mahogany Finish arrived about 12 days later via Fedex curbside. I was slightly disappointed when the delivery person told me they don't do stairs or bring the furniture inside. That is a Fedex issue, but then again you aren't given any shipping options at checkout. The package itself came boxed up on a crate and the boxes were a bit beaten up so I was a little worried that the furniture was going to be damaged. Upon unpacking we were relieved to find no damage whatsoever.

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Should I buy the Ashley set or real wood bedroom set for an extra $500.?

Kim C

I have been searching for bedroom set for 5 days and now my head is ready to explode. I can get a plain wood 6 pc. bed set or a Ashley (fiberboard) 6 pc. for approx. $500 less the real wood set.The Ashley is definitely fancier as the wood is a little plain but real.

Real wood. Fiberboard will chip on you in a few years and then you get all those ugly dents on the centers of your bedroom set, where my parents bough real wood sets for us and them and have basically never had to replace them. Plain wood is timeless.

If a bedroom set costs $2,500 and sales tax is 7%, how much money will go to pay the tax?


2,500 x .07 = $175.00

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HELP with Space Heaters?


My husband and I are renting a small house, I would say about 700 sq feet or so. We would like to get an energy efficient space heater to reduce our oil bill. If I get a small space heater will it help heat the whole house, it is one floor with two bedrooms and the living room, dining room and kitchen are all one big space. So my question to help heat the whole house, how big of a heater do I need. Keep in mind I don't want to completely heat the whole house, just cut back on the amount of oil we need to use.

I did something like this in a house about 1500 sq. feet for the two years prior to my braking down and spending some serious ching on a dual-fuel heating sytem.
I put a chep thermosat in the basement, disconnected the one upstairs, and then set the one downstairs to 50. I ran a space heater in the kitchen, living room, and each of three bedrooms as needed; the idea being that we only ran them when we were home, and in those rooms.
Keep in Mind I am talking about Minnesota, and the northern part of the state at that. I went from burning through a 250 gal. tank in a month or so over Dec., Jan., and Feb, to a quarter of a tank over the entire winter.
My power bill, at 8 cents a Kwhr, was, at the most about $180-$210 a month.
I had installed energy efficient windows in my house prior to this gambit.
You can save yourself some money with this plan, but w/o knowing what shape the house is in, or where it is, I couldn't guess as to how much that would be.
Myself, I like electric space heaters. Propane is not the best idea indoors. If it leaks, it settles to the floor, and has this irritating habit of going "boom."
Get a couple of 1500 watt heaters and make sure they are not bigger than the circuit they will be plugged into can handle.

Townhome Conversion Layout question: Living areas upstairs and bedrooms down?

Q. I have a friend who has bought the upper two levels of a town-home conversion. He wants to go the old tried-but-true route of living areas on the first level, and bedrooms on the second, then set up a patio on the roof.

I mentioned why doesn't he put the bedrooms and toilets on the first level of his space, then on the upper floor put the living room, kitchen, WC and the like, which would then make it easier for people to access the roof garden and spaces from the living room. I think it's rather brilliant, but he seems to think that bedrooms always should go UPSTAIRs, above the common rooms.

Can anyone give me a good reason just WHY you can't have the bedrooms on the first level (third level of the building) and living above that? I mean, it's not like you'd be walking right into the bedrooms; you could arrange it so that when you enter the space, there is a little foyer, with a stair case leading up directly from there, with a hall next to the stairs from which the bedrooms and toilets branch off.

Cheers Paula! ;o)

I think it's all a matter of personal preference. I live in a 3 level townhouse with my brother. His bedroom is on the ground floor with the garage. Common areas are on the second floor and the other 2 bedrooms including mine are on the 3rd. It's great because it maximizes the amount of privacy we have (we each have our own level essentially).

There is also a deck coming off the second level directly under my bedroom window so in case of a fire emergency it would be easy for me to drop down there if I couldn't leave my room. If an intruder breaks in they have two flights of stairs to climb before they get to me in which case I would shoot them first and call the cops second, so security and emergencies are really non issues.

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Cute bedroom ideas!!!!!?


I am 12 years old, and I think my room needs to be organized.
I want organization ideas and decorating tips. Please help me!!!

PS: My room is:

-Jonas Brothers posters on the wall by my bed
-I have modern white cubbies about 5 ft tall and wide
-My bedroom set is really babyish. its all burly and feminine, and i like modern stuff better
This set includes:
Things I like:
Jonas Brothers poster,
Mirror wall closet,
Big comfy chair

I have lavender paint and white carpet.

Please help!!

I have come up with a few decorating, organizing, and refurbishing tips and ideas.

If you are looking for more storage, check out PB Teen. If it is too expensive, Walmart and Target are definitely worth checking out too. Here are some things I found for storage...

This one is from PBTeen, and comes in darker woods if you don't want white or if it is too feminine-
PBTeen carries a lot more storage units, so check them out at

This one is from Target. It probably matches your cubbies-

Decorations are a big key in decorating. If you are planning to keep your wall color, here are some that would match...

This is a photo frame that you can hang on your wall and put in various pictures. You can get it in various colors. White would be more modern-

Definitely try wire letters. They are very modern and look great!-

I also found you a "big comfy chair"-
or you can try-

Now these are all things you need to buy. If you are looking for do it yourself projects and ideas that are cheap and easy, here are some:

Make a collage-
Print out fun pictures off the internet. Cut out pictures from magazines. Use Jonas Brothers pictures. Pictures of your friends. Etc. Cut them all out in different shapes and sizes and paste them to a poster board or tac them to a bulletin board. Make various ones and hang them all around your room! You can even make a whole one dedicated to the Jonas Brothers that only has pictures of the Jonas Brothers.

Repaint your current bedroom set-
First get the okay from your parents. Since a whole other bedroom set would be to expensive, try repainting your furniture a crisp black (very modern) or white (more traditional). Of course you will need help from your parents, but it will totally five a huge lift and new feel to your room. Also as a suggestion, if you paint the furniture black, try this comforter:

Overall, just make your bedroom creative in a way that exresses your personality. Good luck! Hope I helped :)

Bedroom decoration ideas?


I'm looking for creative and inexpensive ideas to decorate our bedroom.

Here are some pictures we took when we first moved in. The only thing added to it since is a queen size mattress on the foundation, no bed frame at the moment. Well, that and piles and piles of laundry and a few boxes that we can't fit anywhere else.

This is from the door looking in. There is an identical window on the same wall right outside of the frame. The windows are quite tall,almost to the ceiling.

Behind that door is this closet. It's a perfect square inside with rods on each side.

Again, the windows..

Storage would be great. We can't really afford much as far as furniture, so any creative ideas for this would be really helpful.

Links to scheme ideas would be great.

Make 2 windows appear as one. Place one panel on each window in tie backs Place sheers from one window, across the wall to the next window. Place bed between windows. Pick a monochromatic color scheme. Sound too boring? Find cool wall sculpture or picture to hang over sheers. Try Kirkland's or TJ Max for sculpture. Try Penneys for curtains and sheers-best store for best price-sale every weekend! Try to find a upholstered bed bench to place at foot of bed for storage.
Go to second hand stores for interesting side tables for bed. Do not make them match (3 drawer chest on one side, magazine table on other side) Target sales a cute mirror table that may work on one side

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Should I get a ferret?


Okay, so I'm getting my own place in a couple of months. It will be mine, so I don't have to worry about landlords or anything. I intend on bringing my miniature doberman pinscher in with me, and she hasn't ever harmed any of my guinea pigs or hamsters or rabbits that I've had before. She actually stays pretty far away from them, lol. Anyways I've always wanted a ferret and recently took a pet quiz and it said a ferret would be best for me, but I'm still not sure. I know they can be pretty expensive; their cages, supplies, and the ferret itself can round out to hundreds of dollars, but I'm not spending my money on anything else currently, so I think I can handle it, but after the inital costs of setting them up, do they require expensive upkeep, or just food, treats, and occasional toys? Also, I will be attending college for a couple of hours a day (not every day) and working when I can, so I won't be home all the time. My house is a relatively small house with just a living room/kitchen, bedroom, and small bathroom. Also, how big of a mess do they make in their cage? Are we talking I'll have to hose it down every day? I've heard you can put lineoleum down in the bottom of their cage, but is that best? Or do they prefer some kind of bedding? Any tips and advice would be great, especially good places to get ferrets. I live in a small town so I doubt if my local shelter has ferrets, not to mention they don't answer their phones because they're so bogged down with dogs and cats they can't take anymore, so I think they're a pretty crappy shelter at best. There's a petco nearby, but their ferrets can be expensive. Thanks!

A ferret is a great pet getting all of my stuff for my ferret was between 300 to 400 to start up and that included the ferret. im going to list off the stuff you would only have to get
Cage- 90-200
litter box- 5-10

I got my ferret at a pet store and he was 150. I would suggest even trying looking on craigslist. and if not then petco. I know sometimes they have sells on there ferrets for 100 Dollars.

the food is a high priority for any ferret. Good food leads to a healthy ferret. Do NOT use dog or cat food for a ferret!!!! The bets kind is raw food. But not everyone is cut out to do that and im one of those people. So I buy 8 in 1 ultimate ferret food. It has 45% more protein and is good for a ferret. When i bought my boy he was on marshals he stank really bad and his under coat was yellow i put him on the 8 in 1 and after a few months his under fur is white and his coat is better and he smells way better.

Depending on how long your going to have the ferret out depends on how bog of a cage you got, I got one of the cheapest cages, that was 90 dollars. My ferret actually gets a whole bed room to him self (Plus he shares it with the cats) So his cage door is open 24/7 so he can roam around the whole room. But if he is going to be in his cage alot then you should get a bigger cage.

Toys can be simple as a towel. I would suggest getting a long tubing thing for them to go threw, they have them at petsmart for about 20 dollars. I got one and mine loves it. Then there are like Sugar boxes that cats can go in that has three holes in it i put a pillow in it and my ferret takes naps and runs threw that and jumps on it. My ferret is def so he cant hear but most ferrets like balls with bells.

When you buy a cage it should come with a bowl and a water bottle, but i would not use the water bottle. I would get another bowl that hooks onto the cage and put the water in it. A ferret can get dehydrated from water bottles. its easier for them to drink and eat out of a bowl.

I would get a small cat box and cut the side out. The triangle ones are okay but ferrets back up to use the rest room so they will hit the outside of the triangle box and just go there out side of the box. I cut out side of one and mine uses it all the time in the box. i did not put ferret litter down beauce you dont need it. It just uses money. You can use newspaper or magazine paper. Which you can get free. And you just pick that up everyday and replace it with new paper.

As for ferret treats they are pretty much sugar and other bad things for ferrets and some dont like treats, Mine wont touch them and im glad also stay away form the ferret vite and there is another one that sounds like it, its just like sugar and they cna get sick from it in the long run.

As for bedding i just cut socks up and put them on his ramps and the plates he stands on and made sure they were secure there. At where you have bedding at they will not go to the leave a corner or a area for the litter box and put a blanket towel or something everywhere else.

You do need to clip there toe nails and i just use people clippers. So now with everything bough all i pay a month is 20 dollars and that just for a bag of ferret food. Umm i can't think of anything else, but if you have any questions at all feel free to e-mail me. My username is llhd1990@yahoo.

What do you think of my story so far?


This is a random selection. It's not the beginning or end or anything. I don't plan on publishing or anything, it's just something that I work on in my free time. Thanks!! Here goes...

I was all settled into my new place. It was a one bedroom, one bath house with no garage or laundry room, but I would make it work. I was renting it at a steady price of 300 dollars per month which was a âgreat dealâ according to my dad.
Sure, the roof had leaks, the walls were a bit stained, and the floorboards creaked, but it was good enough for now. I wasnât a very high maintenance girl and I wasnât expecting to be greeted with the finest luxuries of living during college. I was just lucky that I didnât have to live in one of those crammed dorms with someone I didnât even know. Now that would be real torture.
I had spent my whole day unpacking, moving furniture, and figuring out where everything was going to go. To my complete surprise, the house looked blank after I was done. It seemed that I didnât have enough stuff for even this small house. Pathetic!
Since I had only one box left to unpack and it was full of junk, I decided that I would put it somewhere out of the way. Even though I had been terrified of them since I was a child, I decided that I would put the box in the attic. Plus, I wanted to see if there was anything up there that might be useful to me. Like in all of those old movies where the new people move in and they find a bunch of the old ownerâs stuff in the attic.
I walked cautiously under the entry to the attic -which was a small door on the ceiling- with my stepstool in hand. I placed it under the door and stepped on. When I pushed on the door it only moved a slight bit. I guessed that I was going to have to put a little more effort into it.
I pushed a little bit harder this time and it slid open. I was just lucky that I wasnât one of those girls that weighed 110 pounds and had no muscle whatsoever. When I clasped my hands carefully on either side of the opening, I realized that this just wasnât going to happen. The boards in the ceiling were rotting completely underneath my fingertips, crumbling at the slight pressure I used just to set them there. I didnât even want to imagine what would happen if my 130 pound body depended on them in order to pull myself up. So, I pulled the door shut instead and stepped off the stool. Now my hands had a crummy, black, unidentified substance on them, disgusting!

Hey that's amazing!! You should put out the rest of your story!! I love the unidentified substance! lol. Its way better than mine on here, you should publish...and for suggestions keep up the good work. Theres a few little vocabulary things you could change, and wording things, but don't take offense, you don't have to change anything, it will still get published :D

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What is the difference?


Im finding a place to live for me and my pomeranian puppy.
so I would like to know the price range?Also, what the difference was between:
1) Apartment

So if anyone can help that would be great, thanks.

All of these terms are used as "slang" so they have many different meanings. Condominium is the only "legal" term. It means that the land under the homes is jointly owned. No one can draw a line on the ground and say "I own this piece". So a condominium could be an apartment, a townhouse, a patio home , or a house. You wouldn't know by the name.

In slang:
An apartment is a place to live in a building or complex that is all rentals. No owners live there.

A condo is the size of an apartment but instead of "all rentals" the units are all privately owned. You might have a small patio or balcony but no back yard.

A loft is just an apartment or condo with a high ceiling. Usually there is no ceiling at 8 feet like in most homes. The ceiling might be 20 feet high. The air conditioning ductwork would be exposed.

A studio is the smallest apartment you can rent. There is no separate bedroom. Everything is in one room....bed, kitchen table, tv set, sofa and the stove. It is the cheapest place to live since it is the smallest.

In some states an apartment is $800 for 800 sq ft.
Condo is the same price for 800 sq ft.
Loft is the same price for 800 sq ft.
Studio might be $600 for 450 sq ft.

What speaker setup best suits my needs?

Parker Con

I am moving into a 3 bedroom house. I want to put a speaker system in for parties that has a really deep bass and will be able to play for long periods of time. Looking to spend under 800. Will be playing through ipods and iphones. I dont care if it is a receiver speaker sub setup or if it is one unit. I kinda want something that looks different and techy though. any ideas?

Look at an Onkyo or Pioneer receiver and then add a set of speakers (left and right and a subwoofer) and an ipod dock. Demo them at your local retail store like Best Buy or Fry's Electronic. For speakers look at the following brands" Definitive Technology, Energy, JBL, Infinity, Klipsch and Polk Audio to name a few. Fry's has a Martin Logan 5.1 set up for around $200 and add a receiver you will be in your budget. Hope this will help you out.

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